Step 1. Open the Computer window by choosing Start→Computer

Step 2. Click the Map Network Drive button on the toolbar to open the Map Network Drive dialog box.

Note: to be able to map a network folder to a local drive, the folder must be shared and you must have network permission to access it on the other computer. 

Step 3. Pick an unused drive letter for the network folder in the Drive drop-down list. 

Step 4. In the Folder text box, enter the network share path name. When you’re done, click OK.

   Type in \\\depts\deptvolvol05\psv_share\research\psv

Step 5. Click the Finish button

Note: When you click Finish, Windows creates the network drive and automatically opens it in Windows Explorer. After that, you can access any of the folder’s subfolders and files by simply opening the network drive in the Computer window.